My Charlie
It was about 16 years ago and my very first dog has passed away. For so many months I felt lost and the sadness my heart felt was so very painful and also very broken. I felt like a part of me had died and I went into a very deep depression.
Many of my friends told me, I should volunteer at the SPCA and that would help bring joy back into my life. I wasn’t really thinking of adopting a dog; I just knew being around all those dogs would help with my grieving.
After the first week there, I got to see a dog called Charlie, as I put my hand through the cage and stroked his head; I thought how sad he looked, just like so many others, which were there.
Charlie was about 2 years old and I thought it would be hard for him to get adopted, as he wasn’t a puppy. From then on, I made it my mission to find him a loving home. I took his picture and posted it at so many different places, hoping and praying he would be taken home.
It had been 2 weeks and Charlie was still there. He recognized me as I walked towards his cage, he was very happy to see me, he really got my attention.
I don’t know why, I was so drawn to him, as I was there to help all the other dogs to. On my way home I just couldn’t stop thinking of about Charlie, so I went and bought him a cozy blanket and a bone, I knew he would love.
Three weeks had passed and Charlie was still there, my visit this time with Charlie was so much longer, we were both in the get to know you room. I knew in my heart then, he was MY CHARLIE.
They had to keep him that weekend, to make sure he was all up to date on his medical. Going to get Charlie was the best feeling in the world, the love and excitement inside my heart, it was on fire, I just couldn’t wait. The lobby was full of people, the vet brought Charlie out and he dragged the vet to me through the crowd. As soon as Charlie saw me, he knew I was going to be his forever dad and he was finally going home.
I can’t even begin to describe the next 12 years, all the love, and joy we shared together and so much more. My Charlie truly changed my life forever.
I have told this story so many times and received so much praise for saving Charlie but deep down in my heart, I know it was him that saved me that day exactly 12 years ago.
Charlie’s passing, again was so very hard, as hard as losing a child. It’s been almost a year and I still shed a tear every day and it’s left me with a void that can never be filled. I went back to volunteering and seen so many dogs that were not fortunate enough to be saved. I thought about the millions of dogs that could have had a life like Charlie. So I will dedicate the rest of my life, saving the millions of dogs in dire need, till it my time to see Charlie at the Rainbow Bridge.
I do hope one day, God will show a little mercy and return My Charlie back to me.
Ken Decker
“The Dog Father”